Terms & Conditions – Programmes

Students registered into any of our programmes are bounded by our Terms & Conditions.

(A) Programme Fees and Payment Policy upon Registration

  1. Fee structure:
    • Regular Tuition/Enrichment fees – payable monthly
    • Special Programme fees - one-time payable
    • Deposit of $50 per regular tuition/enrichment programme upon registration. This amount will be offset from the final month’s fee. In the scenario where the student withdraws without a month’s notice, the deposit fee will be forfeited.
  2. Payment:
    • Regular Tuition/Enrichment fees – by the first week of the month
    • Special Programme fees - immediately and in any event, before the programme takes place
  3. Tuition/Enrichment fees will be pro-rated if the student registers and starts class at any juncture of the programme.
  4. Tuition/Enrichment fees will be adjusted accordingly in the event that there are more than 4 sessions in a month.
  5. Payment Methods:
    (1) PayPal (2) Credit/Debit Card (3) PayNow/PayLah (4) Bank Transfer. For bank transfers, please WhatsApp/SMS/email the full transaction details.
  6. All payment of fees is non-refundable and non-transferable.
  7. Postponement & Cancellation:
    • Tuition/Enrichment – BrainyPlay reserves the right to cancel any lesson at any time during the term. BrainyPlay will do their best to inform parents/guardians in advance if such a situation arises. In the event of cancelled lessons, fees that have been paid for the cancelled lessons may be refunded or credited to the following lesson(s)/month(s).
    • Special Programmes - BrainyPlay reserves the right to cancel any programme (e.g. due to insufficient registrations) in which case we will offer you an alternative programme date or give you a full fee refund. BrainyPlay endeavours to give as much notice as possible but will make a final decision no later than 12 noon on the Friday before the start of the programme.
  8. In the event that a student is put on waitlist, the student can opt for 1-to-1 tuition/enrichment at the fee of $270/4 lessons. As soon as a group class become available, the surplus amount paid will be offset from the following month's group tuition fee.
  9. All fees are subject to review and revision.

(B) Discount Policy

  1. Students will be entitled to a multiple programme discount of 5% when they sign up for 2 or more programmes.
  2. Students with siblings signing up will also be entitled to the multiple programme discount. (e.g. 2 siblings taking 1 programme each will be entitled to a 5% discount each)
  3. Discounts that are offered to students and parents/guardians will be applicable to the course of their enrolment.
  4. Any special prices, offers and/or discounts that may be offered are quoted for respective students and may not apply to others, unless with prior approval of BrainyPlay Management.

(C) Free Trial Lesson and Enrolment Policy

  1. New students may opt for a FREE trial lesson per regular programme.
  2. A $50 “commitment fee” per programme is payable upon registration for the trial lesson. In the event that the student doesn’t show up for the trial lesson, the $50 “commitment fee” would be forfeited.
  3. Should the student continues after the free trial lesson, the $50 “commitment fee” paid would be used to offset the overall fees payable for enrolling into the programme.
  4. If the student withdraws after the FREE trial lesson, all fees paid would be fully refunded.
  5. We need a minimum of 2 students per programme to start class.

(D) Make-up Lesson Policy

  1. It is the responsibility of the student(s) and/or parent(s)/guardian(s) to inform the centre if the child is to be absent for a lesson.
  2. If a student is absent for other reasons, it is the responsibility of the student or parent to arrange a make-up lesson, within 1 week of the missed lesson, subject to availability.
  3. As our classes are group-based, tutors are not obligated to conduct a separate make-up class for any individual student regardless of the reason of absence.
  4. Tutors are not obligated to reteach students during make-up lessons and it will be up to the goodwill of the tutors to assist students during the lessons.
  5. In the event where the student is absent, no tuition fee refund will be given. Other than being absent on the grounds of medical reasons, official events (such as school competitions etc) and reasonable reasons (such as death of immediate family members etc), students will not be eligible to arrange a make-up lesson.
  6. There is strictly no pro-rating and refund of tuition fees regardless of the reasons given.
  7. There are no make-up classes for special programmes.

(F) Disclaimer

  1. BrainyPlay will take necessary precautions to safeguard the well-being of students within its premises.
  2. All costs incurred as a result of any damage, injury, loss, expense or liability that may be caused to public and/or private property by the student will be paid by the parents/guardians.
  3. BrainyPlay reserves the right to substitute or change teachers without prior notice.
  4. BrainyPlay reserves the right to disallow student attendance if their temperature is above 38°C or deemed to be unfit for lesson.
  5. BrainyPlay owns copyrights to students’ work and compositions completed throughout the duration of the course. BrainyPlay may reproduce the work in a material form, publish and make an adaptation of the work for advertising or showcase purposes.
  6. BrainyPlay reserves the right to amend the Terms & Conditions without prior notice.
  7. These terms and conditions, and the policies for payment, and the amount of the fees, may be varied by notice in writing to the student and/or parents/guardians of the student.

(D) Public/School Holidays

  1. Lessons are conducted as usual during the MOE school holidays (March, June, September and December).
  2. With the exception of New Year, Chinese New Year and Christmas, lessons will be conducted as usual for any other Public Holiday that falls on a Saturday or Sunday.